Background Information
Who is Maitreya?
We believe that we are not alone on this planet. We have extraordinary help at this difficult time. That help comes in the form of the Reappearance of the Christ along with the Masters of Wisdom. (Masters of Wisdom are those individuals who have mastered themselves — their bodies, emotions, and minds.)
Twenty-five hundred years ago, Gautama Buddha had predicted the advent of another great teacher. He is known by other names as the 'Messiah' for the Jews, the 'Imam-Mahdi' for the Muslims, Krishna or the 'Kalki-Avatar' for the Hindus and Maitreya by the Buddhists.
The word "Christ" refers to an actual role (i.e., the World Teacher). Today, the Christ is not working through Jesus as before, but comes as himself and his personal name is Maitreya.
Maitreya is the teacher of the present era, for all of humanity. Millions now know that Maitreya is already living among us and gradually emerging into full public recognition.
He fulfills the expectations of the religious groups for their awaited teacher, as well as those of no particular faith who simply wish for a better life for all.
He does not come as a religious leader, but as an educator in the broadest sense – to show us the way forward out of the current crisis.
Who are the Masters of Wisdom?
They are human beings like us who, by virtue of their own effort, have evolved to a point where they can demonstrate their innate divinity on a moment-to-moment basis in a way we cannot—yet.
The Masters of Wisdom are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet. The Masters have inspired human achievements by working through their disciples. But while the Masters guide and teach, it is humanity, itself, responding of its own free will to their stimulus, which creates each new civilization.
Today, the Masters of Wisdom, led by Maitreya, are returning to the outer world as a group for the first time in countless millennia — to see us safely into the future.
Soon to be seen openly in the world, they work constantly behind the scenes to aid and uplift people everywhere, and to help achieve peace and reconciliation among the nations.
Maitreya’s Priorities
Maitreya will emphasize the necessity for peace if we are to have any possible future on this planet. True peace is possible only when justice prevails for all people. Justice is achieved when there is sharing of the world’s resources. Sharing will create trust. When there is trust among nations, there will be no need for war.
Maitreya says, “My plan is show you that the way out of your problems is to listen again to the true voice of God within your hearts, to share the produce of this most bountiful of worlds among your brothers and sisters everywhere.”
The immediate priority will be coming to the aid of several billion people starving to death and living in dire poverty. Maitreya will propose an international crash program of aid to alleviate this suffering.
Inspiring humanity to see itself as it truly is — one family — he will help us to understand that the food, resources, energy and technology of Earth belong to everyone equally and must be shared equitably. He will recommend a re-structuring of our economic systems along the lines of Article 25 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights of 1948 — that every man, woman and child has the right to adequate food, shelter, health care, basic education and the guarantee of security in old age.
Also of primary importance is nurturing, healing and returning to balance the environment, now perilously damaged and compromised. This will require the creation of economic systems based on the principles of sustainability and sufficiency rather than the present consumption and competition-based model that generates overproduction and waste. The goal, simply, is to guarantee a life of peace, sufficiency and dignity for all while maintaining the planet’s health.
Ageless Wisdom Teachings
Benjamin Creme
The main inspiration for our work has come from Benjamin Creme (1922-2016), a British artist and long-time student of esoteric philosophy. Following many years of training, Creme developed a moment-to-moment contact with a Master of Wisdom, which allowed him to become the principal source of information about the emergence now of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and the Masters of Wisdom.
To help make known this information on a worldwide scale, Creme started the nonprofit group Share International. Many local Share International groups, like ours in the western United States, made up entirely of volunteers, formed in response to this message, and present this information to the public. Creme lectured worldwide and published 16 books on the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom. He also founded and served as Editor-in-Chief of Share International magazine until his passing in 2016 at the age of 93. Benjamin Creme summarized here the choice humanity faces today:
Benjamin Creme speaking at the UN, July 2006
“The potency of His [Maitreya’s] energy of Love – the ‘Sword of Cleavage’ – has produced the polarization which now exists, and will show clearly the way forward for humanity. Around Him will gather all those who stand for inclusiveness and love, justice and freedom of the human spirit. Those who stand for separativeness and exploitation, competition and greed will likewise stand revealed, and the choice before humanity will be crystal clear: between love and hate, between sharing and greed, peace and war, life and death.
“... Responding to His Love energy, people in every country...will form themselves into groups demanding justice and peace and right relations. Soon these groups will become the largest and most potent force in the world, ushering in the new era of peace and goodwill.”
— Benjamin Creme
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