There will be no peace without justice, no justice without sharing.
Humanity is beset with crisis after crisis. World hunger, rampant poverty, endless wars, and climate chaos all reveal how our 2000-year-old civilization is breaking down. Yet amidst the breakdown of the old, a new civilization is about to be born.
Humanity is not alone
Since earliest times, humanity has been guided and inspired by a group of highly evolved individuals most often called the Masters of Wisdom. Having gone ahead of us in evolution, they are practical experts in every field of life. They are in fact the most powerful forces on Earth—the Forces of Light.
With their leader—Maitreya, the World Teacher—they have long worked ceaselessly from behind the scenes to ease tensions and inspire right action. But now is the time for them to work openly by our side to help us create a new world that works for everyone. When they know we truly stand for peace, sharing, justice, and right human relations and are ready to do the needed work, they will be able to step forward without infringing our free will.
Share and save the world
These great spiritual teachers will show us that sharing the Earth’s resources equitably among the world’s people is the key to creating justice and peace for all, while maintaining the planet’s health. Sharing will create trust. When there is trust among nations, there will be no need for war.
“The major need today is for the transformation of the structures within which you now live. Your civilization, my friends, is dying — nay, it is already dead. Out of its ashes will grow a new beauty whose basis is Love, Justice, and Sharing.
— Maitreya, the World Teacher
— Maitreya, the World Teacher