A heartfelt conversation on hope and change
This heart-to-heart dialogue (in Japanese with English subtitles) between molecular biologist Dr. Yasuyuki Nemoto and longtime Share International USA co-worker Michiko Ishikawa presents a hopeful message at this time of global crisis: A great force is at work now in the world, inspiring people everywhere to action on behalf of peace and justice. Part 2: Q&A follows.
At this time of crisis, new hope is in the world.
As the one awaited under various names by all major religious traditions, and as a Teacher for all humanity, Maitreya, the World Teacher is here to guide us through our present global crises.
With his group of enlightened teachers, the Masters of Wisdom, Maitreya comes to show us that sharing the Earth’s resources equitably among the world’s people is the key to creating justice and peace for all, while maintaining the planet’s health.
Sharing will create trust. When there is trust among nations, there will be no need for war.
The Awakening of Humanity: 2021 video presentation
Who are Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom? Maitreya’s social and economic priorities. Maitreya’s spiritual teachings for humanity.
A Time for Change
Background Information
At this critical time for humanity and the planet, a momentous event is now unfolding:
A group of enlightened teachers who have long helped and inspired humanity from behind the scenes are entering the everyday world to guide us through our present global crisis, and into a future of justice, peace, and brotherhood/sisterhood.
These wise teachers, known as the Masters of Wisdom, are here with the most senior member of the group — Maitreya, the World Teacher.
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For the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic period, Share International will comply with the advice from leading medical professionals and state guidelines, and take the necessary hiatus from public presentations except on Zoom or other internet platforms. Please return to this website for information about our future activities.
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